How Many Words Is a 7 Minute Read

Forget Everything That You Read Virtually Platonic Content Length

Data doesn't lie simply the interpretation of data does.

Ilya Pestov

1. The seven-infinitesimal post collects the biggest
amount of reader's time

The total time spent reading a post equals the total number of visitors to that post multiplied by the average time spent reading per visitor.

How is it 7 minutes length?

What metrics matter?

To read to the finish a curt article or not to read to the cease long article?

Each dot represents an average of all posts with the same length, rounded to i second.

Why are 7 minutes defined not absolutely correctly?

Each dot represents an boilerplate of all posts with the same length, rounded to ane 2nd.

What most content marketing?

two. Long-class content is better ranked in search engines

iii. Finally the viral effect directly depends on content length.

It turns out that amend to write more?

So what is the all-time content length?


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